Volume 12 – 2022 (0010)

A Publicidade e a Proteção de Dados Pessoais – O RGPD

Luísa Lopes Sousa 1

1 ISCET – High Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences, Porto, Portugal

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Sousa, L. L. (2022). A Publicidade e a Proteção de Dados Pessoais – O RGPD, Percursos & Ideias, 12, 78-85.


Published 12 October 2022. Language: Portuguese.

Section: Solicitor.

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The General Data Protection Regulation is an EU legislative instrument that aims to standardize legislation on the processing of personal data of citizens of the European Union. As fundamental guiding principles of its conception is the reinforcement of the security and the trust of the data subject, as well as the limitation to the specific purposes to which such treatment is directed. A strong supervisory and sanctioning framework means that all data controllers are now faced with more demanding regulations for which they will have to define stricter commercial communication and data transmission strategies. The figure of the Data Protection Officer is in the scope of supervision and the relationship with the national authorities responsible for compliance with the law, which is decisive for the accountability and implementation of the entire process defined and enshrined in European and National regulations.


Data Protection, Advertising, Data Subject, Security.


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