Submission overview

Types of publications

Percursos & IDEIAS has no restrictions on the length of manuscripts, provided that the text is concise and comprehensive. Manuscripts submitted to Percursos & IDEIAS should neither be published previously nor be under consideration for publication in another journal. The main article types are as follows:

Articles: P&I considers all original research manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically robust methods/experiments and provides important new information. The quality and impact of the study will be considered during peer review.

Reviews: These provide concise and precise updates on the latest progress made in a given area of research. Systematic reviews should follow the PRISMA guidelines.

Submission Process

Together with a cover letter, all manuscripts should be submitted by email to

The submitting author, generally the corresponding author, is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and peer-review process. In addition, he/she must ensure that all eligible co-authors have been included in the author list and that they have all read and approved the submitted version of the manuscript.

All manuscripts must comply with the journal’s ethics statement.

Accepted file formats and languages

Manuscripts should be anonymized and submitted as a single Microsoft Word file (all text and metadata identifying the authors should be removed before submission). Graphics and tables should be inserted after the first paragraph of its first citation.

We do not have strict formatting requirements, but all manuscripts must contain the required sections: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, Figures and Tables with Captions, and References. In addition, funding Information, Author Contributions, Conflict of Interest and other ethics Statements should be included in the cover letter.

References should be in APA style (7th Ed.). All websites need to be referenced as does unpublished data or personal communications.

We accept manuscripts in English (American English or British English, so long as there is consistency), Portuguese, and Spanish.

Cover Letter

A cover letter must be included with each manuscript submission. It should be concise and explain why the paper’s content is significant, placing the findings in the context of existing work and why it fits the journal’s scope.

In addition, it should contain the full author names and affiliations, ORCID, and further details about identifying text removed from the manuscript, namely: Funding Information, Author Contributions, Conflict of Interest, and other ethics Statements. A complete version of the manuscript may be appended to the cover letter. A statement confirming that the manuscript is not currently under consideration or published in another journal should also be included.