A internacionalização no setor do mobiliário: estudo exploratório às empresas
Tiago André Martins1, Luís Dias Pacheco1 and Fernando Oliveira Tavares 2
1 Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, Porto, Portugal
2 ISCET – High Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences, Porto, Portugal
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Martins, A., Pacheco, L. D. & Tavares, F. O. (2019), A internacionalização no setor do mobiliário: estudo exploratório às empresas, Percursos & Ideias, Vol. 9, pp. 44-61.
The main purposes of this exploratory study are to understand the main motivations responsible for the internationalization processes and to obtain information on the impact of the creation of a furniture cluster in the region of Paços de Ferreira, Portugal. The utilized method is quantitative and exploratory. It was found that the lack of self-funding and the scarcity of international distribution channels are the main obstacles to the internationalization of furniture companies. The companies operate in markets of less psychic distance, that is, geographically close (Spain and France), and with cultural and linguistic levels very similar to the domestic market (Angola). It is also concluded that the volume of business does not influence the internationalization and that there is no correlation between the company’s antiquity and internationalization too.
Internationalization, Cluster, Furniture, International brand, Global strategy.
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