Uso das Redes Sociais em Contexto Laboral
Maria Nascimento Cunha1 and Pedro Valente 2
1 ISCET – High Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences, Porto, Portugal
2 Universidade Portucalense, Porto, Portugal
To cite this text:
Nascimento, M. & Valente, P. (2019), Uso das Redes Sociais em Contexto Laboral, Percursos & Ideias, Vol. 9, pp. 85-91.
These days, it is common to have access to social networks in any area and at any time of the day or night. The growth of social media has had an impact on the processes of communication but also showed changes in society. Organizations have sought to adapt both, ensure visibility and ensure productivity (Pereira and Schneider, 2017). However, companies have begun to worry about the fact that increasingly employees use social networks during daylight. The reality is that scanning business causes, by aggregation and ease availability in almost real time. Being difficult separation and/or temptation to not keep up with the speed of technology. That is, the individual is multitasking, has a more granular timing, which leads him to act in accordance with the machines. Similarly, the market trend is making a non virtual labour functions, to the detriment of the dynamism that the market requires. Has this vision, a competition with information technology, in the right of reply, hence the frequent use of mobile phones, as an appendix. Most important is the speed of response, rather than the quality of the message, as well as be present online.
Social networking, Context, Use, Conflict.
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