Marketing 5.0: A Publicidade e as Narrativas que Conectam
1 ISCET – High Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences, Porto, Portugal
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Araújo, D. L. (2022). Marketing 5.0: A Publicidade e as Narrativas que Conectam, Percursos & Ideias, 12, 20-26.
Published 12 October 2022. Language: Portuguese.
Section: Marketing & Advertising.
This article proposes a reflection on the concept of Marketing 5.0 from the analysis of discourses present in advertising narratives. Added to this reflection is a brief literature review on aspects related to the process of discursive analysis and narratives present in an award-winning advertising campaign during the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, this reflection seeks to understand how the advent of new technologies can be considered by marketing and communication professionals, concomitantly with behavioral and emotional aspects of consumers.
Marketing 5.0, Advertising, Communication, Speech analysis, Tourism.
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