Banhos na Floresta
José Henrique Mourão 1 and Henrique Ferraz 1
1 ISCET – High Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences, Porto, Portugal
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Mourão, J. H. & Ferraz, H. (2022). Banhos na Floresta, Percursos & Ideias, 12, 38-45.
Published 12 October 2022. Language: Portuguese.
Section: Tourism.
This work aims to let know an almost strange theme, with a recent practice in Portugal, although it dates back to the 80s of the 20th century. These are the “forest baths” or “shinrin-yoku”, created by the Commissioner of the Japanese Forestry Agency, Tomohide Akiyama. Several scientists and some clinicians have carried out studies, concluding how trees can help us for better health, for the increasing energy and happiness levels, reducing stress levels and preventing diseases. Examples of such scholars are Japanese: Dr. Qing Li (author of the book “shinrin-yoku”) and Masafumi Miyazaki, who explored this topic in depth and on credible scientific grounds. According to Dr. Qing Li, this practice means bathing in the atmosphere of the forest or absorbing the forest through one’s senses, establishing a man-nature connection.
Forest bath, Shinrin-yoku, Therapy, Wellness tourism.
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