Perdida na (des)globalização? À procura das causas da perda de relevância da OMC
José Pedro Teixeira Fernandes 1
1 ISCET – High Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences, Porto, Portugal
To cite this text:
Fernandes, J. P. T. (2020), Perdida na (des)globalização? À procura das causas da perda de relevância da OMC, Percursos & Ideias, Vol. 10, pp. 73-86.
doi: 10.56123/percursos.2020.n10.73
The main purpose of this article is to try to answer the following question: what happened to the World Trade Organization (WTO) which today seems to have an increasingly smaller role in global trade? For this purpose, a short exploratory analysis was carried out based on a qualitative methodology trough documentary research and the use, albeit selective, of the literature on the subject. Additionally, it was also used an empirical study, the KOF globalization index. The approach to the subject was structured in several points. The first one was the contemporary commercial system. The second was the transformation of an initial optimism into disbelief due to the failure of the Doha Round. The third point was the decision-making at the WTO and the system for resolving trade disputes. Finally, the contradictory trends of globalization and deglobalization are addressed. The approach is concluded with brief reflections on the future of the WTO and topics for further research are also being pointed out.
WTO, International trade, Dispute settlement, Deglobalization, Geopolitics.
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