Volume 7 – 2016 – Solicitor (SOL3)

O Problema da Não Exequibilidade dos Documentos Particulares no Novo Código de Processo Civil

Daniela Soares and Ana Clara Azevedo de Amorim 1

1 Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, Porto, Portugal

To cite this text:

Soares, D. & Amorim, A. C. A. (2016), O Problema da Não Exequibilidade dos Documentos Particulares no Novo Código de Processo Civil, Percursos & Ideias, Vol. 7, pp. 20-27.

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The Civil Procedure Code approved by the Law 41/2013, of June 26th excluded the particular documents from the list of enforceable titles. This legislative change generated a discussion on the doctrine and jurisprudence concerning the guarantee of the parties legitimate expectations on private documents issued before its entry into force. Following the majority position, the Constitutional Court ruling 408/2015, of September 23th, declared unconstitutional the refusal of feasibility of private documents issued under the previous Civil Procedure Code, based on the trust protection principle.


Private documents, Enforceable titles, Unconstitutionality, Retroactivity.