Volume 2 – 2010 – Tourism Issue (TR08)

Empreendedorismo e Turismo: Uma Relação Virtuosa

Manuela Coutinho1 and Lara Santos1

1 Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal

To cite this text:

Coutinho, M. & Santos, L. (2010), Empreendedorismo e Turismo: Uma Relação Virtuosa, Percursos & Ideias, Vol. 2, pp. 71-78.

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The entrepreneurship emerges in the present debate as a “machine of economical and development of the world” (Zoltan Acs e David Audresch, 2003; Anne Zahara e Chris Ryan, 2007). It catalyzes agents and fluxes, recreates networks and actors, empowers innovation and social value. This paper examines an entrepreneurial orientation, within a company of Braga, in the North of Portugal. It regards the importance of the concept “cross-act agent” – agent that strengths the company performance to face the market – for entrepreneurship.


Development, Entrepreneurship, Tourism, “Cross-act agent”.