Volumes 3&4 – 2011/12 – Tourism Issue (TR08)

Rotas do Volfrâmio na Europa: Memória dos Homens e Património Industrial

J. C. Pinho1, M. Belém2, C. Ferreira2,3, Lídia Aguiar 4 and Luís Ferreira 4

1 Ass. Desenvolvimento Rural Integrado das Serras do Montemuro, Arada e Gralheira, Portugal
2 Associação Geoparque Arouca, Portugal
3 Câmara Municipal de Arouca, Portugal
4 ISCET – High Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences, Porto, Portugal

To cite this text:

Pinho, J. C., Belém, M., Ferreira, C. F. L. A. L., Ferreira, L. A. L. & Ferreira, L. (2012), Rotas do Volfrâmio na Europa: Memória dos Homens e Património Industrial, Percursos & Ideias, Vol. 3&4, pp. 107-112.

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This article refers the presentation of the project “Mining Villages’ Itinerary”. It also discusses the recent dynamic of the town of Arouca, in its tourist full potential, which will provide economic sustainability to the new itinerary. This project starts with the case study of Rio de Frades village, which will be addressed in its cultural, economic and social importance, during the period of mining exploration, not forgetting the negative impacts caused by the closure of mines. It is also referred the intervention which is intended to be carried out in the mining area of Rio de Frades. The project main targets are to revitalize the cultural, economic and social aspects of the village in order to improve local development; to contribute with an innovative tourism product and simultaneously, create a national and international network of mining villages based on an itinerary, embodying the same purposes and providing an exchange of experiences and tourists into a transnational level. Finally, the project’s actions already developed or being developed, will be presented to the European Institute of Cultural Routes, in order to be awarded the Honorable Mention.


Itinerary, Local and regional development, Mining villages, Tourism.