Volume 2 – 2010 – Tourism Issue (TR18)

A Prática e o Sucesso dos Itinerários Turísticos Culturais nas Diversas Dimensões Territoriais

Susana Varela and Luís Ferreira 1 and Maria João Azeredo2

1 ISCET – High Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences, Porto, Portugal
2 Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração, V. N. Gaia, Portugal

To cite this text:

Varela, S. & Ferreira, L. (2010), A Prática e o Sucesso dos Itinerários Turísticos Culturais nas Diversas Dimensões Territoriais, Percursos & Ideias, Vol. 2, pp. 167-176.

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Cultural tourist itineraries are usually related to big cultural towns or centres from one or several countries. The audacity, irreverence and innovation concerning de use and valuation of cultural resources that remained forgotten or even despised, enabled rich experiences on the promotion of resources, itineraries and tourist destinations. Side by side with big cultural centres, small spots of territory, filled with precious living experiences, are becoming new and different attractions for visitors offering a new pro active attitude instead of the usual passive one. These destinations, and always bearing in mind sustainable practices, also profit from tourism benefits to be used with the goal for quality and the offer of different products than only with growth perspectives.


Territory, Culture, Tourism, Tourist destinations, Itineraries.