Young adults and the consumption of soft drinks. Aspects of consumer behaviour regarding soft drinks consumption and consumer loyalty
Ana Catarina Martins Correia Soares 1
1 ISCET – High Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences, Porto, Portugal
To cite this text:
Soares, A. C. M. C. (2018), Young adults and the consumption of soft drinks. Aspects of consumer behaviour regarding soft drinks consumption and consumer loyalty, Percursos & Ideias, Vol. 8, pp. 107-115.
This article intends to systematize the findings of a research project on the consumption of soft drinks among young adults, using as study population, members of the Portuguese Scouts Association (Portuguese Scouts)/Associação dos Escoteiros de Portugal (Escoteiros de Portugal), thus trying to establish some conclusions about brand loyalty. There is a low perception about several aspects related to the consumption of soft drinks. If someone has a low or complete absence of concern/perception on a strongly influencing factor of the purchase decision, which depends (be a strongly influential factor) on the population segment to which the person belongs, the repetition of the purchase of a particular brand is less likely to occur. Low concern/perception about consumer issues can lead to low brand loyalty.
Consumption, Soft drinks, Young adults, Loyalty, Implication.
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