A Diplomacia Económica num Mundo Multicêntrico – Notas Sobre o Caso Português (Parte II)
José Pedro Teixeira Fernandes 1
1 ISCET – High Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences, Porto, Portugal
To cite this text:
Fernandes, J. P. T. (2014), A Diplomacia Económica num Mundo Multicêntrico – Notas Sobre o Caso Português (Parte II), Percursos & Ideias, Vol. 6, pp. 12-21.
The globalisation of markets is not only a challenge for large enterprises but also concerns more and more medium sized companies. Small and medium sized companies (SMEs) are more engaged today in the course of new technological developments, new markets and especially services than often assumed and statistically recorded (cf. Feldmeier 2006). Especially because of their innovative drive SMEs are becoming an ever increasing decisive factor in the international competitiveness of national and regional economies. Not least owing to increased (domestic and foreign) competitive pressure, regional and national market potentials, which are too small and limited fields of market activities SMEs are today more and more faced with the challenge of positioning themselves on foreign markets.
Globalisation, SMEs, International competitiveness.
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