Volumes 3&4 – 2011/12 – Human Resources and Internationalization Issue (RHI2)

Capital Humano y Nuevas Tecnologias: Analisis de su Efecto em Resultados Empresariales em el Caso del Turismo Rural Gallego

Maria Isabel Diéguez Castrillón1, Ana Gueimonde Canto1, Ana I. Sinde Cantorna1 and Lídia Blanco Cerradelo1

1 University of Vigo, Spain

To cite this text:

Castrillón, M. I. D., Canto, A. G., Blanco, A. I. S. C. L. & Cerradelo, L. B. (2012), Capital Humano y Nuevas Tecnologias: Analisis de su Efecto em Resultados Empresariales em el Caso del Turismo Rural Gallego, Percursos & Ideias, Vol. 3&4, pp. 11-29.

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This paper aims to find out if the variation in companies performance can be associated with the human resources characteristics and the use and adoption of technologies in case of Galician rural tourism In this paper we combined research postulates handled in human resources and inputs that can complement the above perspective based on organization’s theories. Results show no relation between the use of new information technologies and companies’ performance. This paper confirms that direct relation does not exist between both variables. However, we verify that relation exists between the results of the companies and the characteristics of the companies’ human resources. Although the use of the new technologies of the information keep relation with the above mentioned characteristics, the combination of the effects of the new technologies use and the human resources do not moderate the managerial results.


Innovation, Internet, Rural tourism, Performance, Human resources, Galicia.