Volume 5 – 2013 – Human Resources and Internationalization Issue (RHI2)

A Diplomacia Económica num Mundo Multicêntrico (Parte I)

José Pedro Teixeira Fernandes  1

1 ISCET – High Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences, Porto, Portugal

To cite this text:

Fernandes, J. P. T. (2013), A Diplomacia Económica num Mundo Multicêntrico (Parte I), Percursos & Ideias, Vol. 5, pp. 14-22.

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The first objective of this paper is to provide an overview of the most relevant theoretical literature on economic diplomacy. The study will be completed with a specific approach to the Portuguese case. For this purpose, the analysis is divided into two parts. The first will seek to assess the extent to which diplomatic activity was transformed in recent decades. The approach is not restricted to a state-centered view. It will also address the role of non-state actors, especially multinational companies in economic diplomacy. In the second part, the paper will continue with a specific study on the Portuguese case. The main objective is to find in what extent the trends detected in the theoretical literature, and in the diplomatic practice of other states, are also reflected in the organization of the Portuguese state diplomacy.


Economic diplomacy, Globalisation, Multicentric world.


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