Volumes 3&4 – 2011/12 – Tourism Issue (TR07)

Razões para a Certificação e as Barreiras para a Implementação do Q de Qualidade: Análise de Comunidade Autónoma da Galiza

José Álvarez García1, María de la Cruz Del Río Rama 1 and and José Antonio Fraiz Brea  1

1 University of Vigo, Spain

To cite this text:

García, J. Á., Río, M. l. C. & Brea, J. A. F. (2012), Razões para a Certificação e as Barreiras para a Implementação do Q de Qualidade: Análise de Comunidade Autónoma da Galiza, Percursos & Ideias, Vol. 3&4, pp. 93-106.

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There are several characteristics that define today’s economy, the internationalization or globalization and the increasing global competition combined with growing sophistication of customer’s demand are two important factors that pose a challenge for companies, which is boosting companies around the world to create, develop and achieve high levels of quality. So given the situation described above, at present, Quality assumes greater importance and prominence, which together with technological innovation, one can say, become the two basic pillars that support business competitiveness. The purpose of this study is to analyze the reasons why tourism companies in the Autonomous Community of Galicia have decided to implement the Q for quality and learn to overcome the main barriers in the implementation process.


Quality, “Q” quality tourism, Certification, Motivation and barriers.